Ep 13 -Into the Labryinth - A Preview of the Depths

It's Fleet Action time! That means Cath, our Intelligence Officer, is back in the studio with us to talk about all things Fleet Action—including a new way that missions will be handled, with members interacting with the story as a whole.  

Creators and Guests

Aaron DeLay
Aaron DeLay
I've been producing, hosting, and making podcast media for a long time. I love Star Trek, Doctor Who, writing, and talking about people's passions and loves when it comes to the world around us.
Bravo Fleet
Bravo Fleet
Offering a friendly & welcoming place to share your passion for Star Trek, whether through writing stories, video games, or talking about your favorite episode!
Cath is the Bravo Fleet Intelligence Officer.
Ep 13 -Into the Labryinth - A Preview of the Depths
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