Cap is the Bravo Fleet Communications Officer.
Appears in 8 Episodes
Ep 21 - The Best and Worst of Trek - Generations Revisited
Aaron and Cap reflect on the film that answered the question - Kirk or Picard. Star Trek Generations recently celebrated it's 30th anniversary, and we looked back on ...

Ep 20 - Star Trek: The Motion Picture - The Best of Times, The Worst of Times
Aaron and Cap are back to discuss the Star Trek movie that started it all - The Motion Picture!

Ep 18 - Uncovering the Undiscovered Country - The Best of Star Trek (With BFMS UPDATE!)
Aaron and Cap are back in the online studio digging into one of the Best of Trek - The Undiscovered Country!

Ep 18 - The Best and the worst: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Aaron and Cap take on the next alleged worst Star Trek Movie - Star Trek 5 - The Final Frontier!

Ep 16 - The Best and Worst of Star Trek - Nemesis
Aaron and Cap are back in the studio to talk about one of the hardest Star Trek movies to love - Star Trek Nemesis. Join us as we go step by step and find some great ...

Ep 15 - Roll The Hard Six
Aaron and Cap sit down in the studio to talk about Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica - along with a lot of other topics!

Ep 12 - The State of Star Trek and Science Fiction
Aaron and Cap are back together again, this time talking about what they see as the state of Star Trek, Science Fiction, and much more!

Ep 8 - The Story of Us, Part 5
We welcome our Communications Officer, Cap to the podcast to talk about his Star Trek Story, favorite episodes, and more!